sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009

Still looking for peanut-free turrón/ Todavía buscando turrones sin cacahuete

I haven't been to the grocery store in awhile, but tonight, in addition to the recall warning mentioned in the post below, I noticed that Christmas is in full swing-- decorations, promotions, and of course, turrones. I didn't have time to do much checking, but all the ones I checked had a "trazas de otros frutos de cáscara" warning. Which means that unless I contact the manufacturers and find out whether peanut is one of the possible "frutos de cáscara" involved, we have to avoid all of them. I suspect that the commercial brands sold in most supermarkets will not be safe, but I do think there's a chance that some of the more "artesanal" companies might work only with almonds and buy their almonds from a safe source. I will let you know if I find out anything more specific...

Todavía sigo sin encontrar turrones que no lleven el etiquetado de "trazas de otros frutos de cáscara." Como sólo tenemos que evitar cachuetes, tengo esperanzas de encontrar alguna marca que podemos usar (probablemente uno más artesanal), pero tendré que ponerme en contacto con los fabricantes para tener más datos. ¡Ya os avisaré! (Y si alguién conoce alguna, por favor, dímelo!)

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