For those of you who are unfamiliar with this product, it is a salty snack made from corn, in the shape of sticks that come two to a package. It's popular because it's widely available in the places where treats are sold, it's cheap (usually around 0.10€), and while it boasts of absolutely no redeeming nutritional value, it is also unlikely to spoil your child's appetite for a real meal, since it's mostly air. It's also soft and quickly dissolves in your mouth so it is easy for young children to eat.
Because I want to be prepared with some safe snack alternatives (and because they are so popular he is likely to have them offered to him), I checked these out as an option for my PA child. So I checked the ingredients (cornmeal, sunflower oil, salt) and went to the product website to see what other kinds of snacks this company produces and whether they say anything about cross-contamination or traces.
Well, the opening page lets you choose English or Spanish, and from the main page you can select "Nutrition" and there is a downloadable PDF with allergen information, which identifies separately traces/cross-contamination and actual ingredients. (Note: apparently the allergen list is in Spanish only.) The verdict? While some of their products are marked to contain possible traces of peanuts and tree nuts, the Aspitos and several other products are listed as not having traces of these ingredients. So, that's one more thing I can add to my list of safe foods!
Bueno, supongo que todos conceréis los Aspitos... Fui a su página web para comprobar si había trazas de cacahuete o frutos secos en los Aspitos (ingredientes: sémola de maíz, aceite de girasol, sal.) En el apartado "Nutrición" pùedes descargar un pdf sobre los productos y varios alergenos, indicando la presencia de éstos tanto como ingrediente como trazas. Sí que había productos con posibles trazas de cacahuete y frutos secos, pero toda la gama de los famosos Aspitos aparece como libre de los mismos.
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